Delphi Serialize Object To Json
How to serialize a TList of objects with Delphi. I use anothe TJSONObject and use a specific JSON structure to serialize my business objects.If you are tied to. JSON support* is included in XE2 (and XE). See this thread in SO for a link to a paper by Marco, explaining use of JSON and restful implementations. REST Servers in Delphi XE Using DataSnap. Note: This is valid for the Enterprise and up version. RTL.JSON Workbench Sample. To Delphi: Converts the JSON object to a Delphi String object. Use JSON to Bson tab to serialize JSON to BSON.
JSON format spread over the years and became preferred lightweight protocol for data exchange. Delphi natively supports JSON via the classes in the System.JSON unit. But dealing with TJsonObject requires an intermediate layer for mapping JSON values to our business logic.
Recent Delphi releases make it easier to load JSON data to a specific BL class with the help of TJson.JsonToObject. But in all cases the developer should manually create these BL classes which can be time consuming operation. The missing part is the JSON Data binding wizard. Json to class generators are not something new. There is already / but these cover C#. I couldn’t find such class generator for Delphi. So the JsonToDelphiClass was born. It analyses given JSON string, visualizes it in an easy to read way (in a treeview) and generates corresponding delphi classes (business objects).
Just what XML Data binding wizard does for XML. Magnetism and its effects on the living system pdf. Main features:. Build entirely on the RTL (no external dependencies) so it’s cross-platform;. Accepts any valid JSON string, no matter how complex the object is; You can validate JSON strings. Visualizes the structure of the JSON objects in a treeview;. Generates complete delphi unit (declaration and implementation), based on the JSON string input;.
Automatically prefixes reserved Delphi words with “&” (ampersand);. Automatically prevents class name collisions by using numeric suffixes;. Blocks unit generation if the JSON string contains empty Array;. Adds support code to automatically destroy complex sub types. So you don’t have to manage subobject’s lifetime manually;.
Delphi Serialize Object To Json
Uses TArray to represent lists;. Adds helper serialization/deserialization functions;. Serialization and deserialization results in the same JSON structure!.
Automatically detects date/datetime parts and maps them to TDate/TDateTime (as long as dates are ISO8601 compliant);. Maps all numbers to Double;. Maps true/false values to Boolean;.
Allows you to change property names (keys);. Allows you to change the names of the stub classes;. All fields in stub classes are sorted alphabetically;. Supports JSON pretty print to format the input string;. Simple and responsive GUI;. Automatic check for update, based on ITask (Parallel Programming Library)!. It’s open source!
You can find the source code and binary releases on GitHub;. The program uses MadExcept to report unhanded exceptions;. If the JSON array is empty the contained type is unknown. Unit generation works only with known and supported types. This is because serialization of TList adds “noise” i.e. Includes internal properties that did not exist in the original JSON string. The releases of JsonToDelphiClass (source and binaries) are public and reside on GitHub. The update unit uses GitHub’s REST API to enumerate tags/releases.
I decided to use Firemonkey (XE7). It was a big challenge, because I faced many problems! So this slowed me down because I had to submit QCs i find workarrounds:,.
Hopefully these QCs will be fixed soon. Still there are a few nasty bugs, but it’s hard to reproduce them for QC reports:.
At first show the main Popup menu is badly clipped:. The Treeview changes items’ height when you press Visualize button two or more times;. One possible issue with MadExcept and Report Resource Leaks feature; If I have free time I’ll dig into these bugs.
But the final result looks good and should compile for MAC OS! BTW uGitHub.pas is generated by the JsonToDelphiClass itself 🙂 The idea of automatic update check is not something new to me. I’ve done this hundreds of times before. But this is the. I am pleasantly surprised from what GitHub offers – and! Which made me play with Delphi REST components. This program uses.very simple.
check for update mechanism. The user is only notified for new version availability, but do not automatically download the new version! Git REST API require the use of SSL. This is why I needed to use OpenSSL binaries. And by the way I finally got it to know why the first call to idHTTP.GET is soooo slow (about 3 sec.) with SSL: LoadOpenSSLLibrary calls InitializeRandom. The next call to RANDScreen!
This is why the program cannot terminate immediately. Update checker uses the new Parallel Programming library and especially ITask. The program demonstrates basic ITask usage, GUI responsiveness and clean termination. The UI is simple and User experience is good enough:.
The UI don’t freeze;. The treeview supports a PopUp menu that allows you to rename properties and classes. The F2 key also works;. The JSON string memo supports JSON prettify feature, available through mouse double click or from the context menu;.
The Save Dialog automatically receives the name of the target Delphi unit;. The Main Form is re-sizable and have minimum constraints set;. You can horizontally resize the main panels using the splitter;. You are notified if there is newer version. An additional form shows more details: Simple usage:. Paste a into the memo. You can prettify it with double click inside the memo;.
Press the “Visualize” button. On the left you will see the future class structure – properties and types;. Edit the structure if you need to. You can rename properties and classes with right-click or F2;. Press “Preview Unit” button to see the generated unit;.
Save the generated unit; IMPORTANT: The generated unit is compatible with Delphi XE5 or later. Backward compatibility is planned. MEANWHILE if you need to compile the generated units with older versions, please remove/comment out the ToJsonString/FromJsonString and remove Rest.Json and System.Json units from the USES clause. EXTERNAL REVIEW: I was pleasantly surprised to find a review of JsonToDelphiClass here:.
Thanks to FMX Express team! PROJECT INFORMATION: GitHub Project link: GitHub Releases link: The archive contains the release version of the program along with libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. I plan to play with UPX to further reduce exe size. Feel free to report any problems/suggestions using. This entry was posted in, and tagged,. Bookmark the. Hello, Stephane!
RTL’s JSON marshaler will add some “noise” when converting a TList object to JSON string i.e. It will include some internal properties. This would make the JSON string incompatible/unreadable by other consumers. That’s why I chose to use TArray since it serializes as expected and according to the JSON specifications.
I know it is inconvenient. May be I can plan to add an option to choose the type of arrays (TArray/TList) in future versions.
It seems I didn’t synced the last source code to GitHub. I’ll do it soon. How to use that class? (I know, nobody expect that question, but when I got to work with complicated JSON, I can’t go forward. I create unit using Your program (it’s great), but it generated 3 classes, and I can’t put it together to one JSON result I have got procedure: procedure TForm6.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var test:unit7.TRootClass; test2:unit7.TErrorsdataClass; test3:unit7.TItemClass; begin test2:=unit7.TErrorsdataClass.Create; test2.artykul:=’art1′; test2.code:=’code’; test3:=unit7.TItemClass.Create; test3.errors:=’err1′; test3.linkplik:=’link1′; test3.errorsdata0.FromJsonString(test2.ToJsonString).
JSON to Delphi Classes I’m currently working on a new blog post showing how to integrate a popular REST API. One of my tasks is to convert JSON to Delphi Objects, so I need to define the Delphi class structures to work with so I can use the that I covered previously. I decided to see if anyone had done work to convert JSON into Delphi classes. Thankfully YES! I found this really handy project on GitHUB. The project in covered in the post.
The JSON to Delphi Project is a Delphi FMX application that has a simple UI that allows you to modify the automatically created JSON class names which is pretty useful and the code worked first time when copied into my sample. (although I have more playing to do) The JSON to Delphi tool is definitely a useful resource to work alongside the that you can find in the BIN directory of your install. Stay tuned for the blog post when it arrives, but in the mean time, if your working with the, I would recommend checking out Petar’s project along side my earlier post on. Post navigation.