Icao Airport Identifiers
Airport location identifiers, commonly known as airport codes, are assigned to airports throughout the world by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Along with airline designators and transport document accounting codes, these three-character codes are required to identify airlines, destinations, and traffic documents.
Map of countries classified according to the ICAO airport code prefix. Any correspondence between subnational regions and second letter also indicated. Micronations not labeled individually. Unlike the IATA codes, the ICAO codes generally have a regional structure and are comprehensive. In general, the first letter is allocated by continent and represents a country or group of countries within that continent. The second letter generally represents a country within that region, and the remaining two are used to identify each airport.
The exception to this rule is larger countries that have single-letter country codes, where the remaining three letters identify the airport. In either case, and unlike IATA codes, ICAO codes generally provide geographical context. For example, if one knows that the ICAO code for Heathrow is EGLL, then one can deduce that the airport EGGP is somewhere in the UK (it is ). On the other hand, knowing that the IATA code for Heathrow is LHR does not enable one to deduce the location of the airport LHV with any greater certainty (it is in in the United States). There are a few exceptions to the regional structure of the ICAO code made for political or administrative reasons.
How to write program in winavr. For example, the air base in the is assigned the ICAO code EGYP as though it were in the United Kingdom, but a nearby civilian airport such as is assigned SFAL, consistent with. Similarly is controlled by France, and airports there are assigned LFxx as though they were in Europe.
Further, in region L (Southern Europe), all available 2-letter prefixes have been exhausted and thus no additional countries can be added. Thus when declared independence, there was no space in the Lxxx codes to accommodate it, so airports in Kosovo were assigned BKxx, grouping Kosovo with and.
International Icao Airport Identifiers
The letters I, J and X are not currently used as the first letter of any ICAO identifier. In Russia and, Latin letter X (or its / Cyrillic equivalent ) is used to designate government, military and experimental aviation airfields in internal airfield codes similar in structure and purpose to ICAO codes but not used internationally. Q is reserved for international radiocommunications and other non-geographical special uses (see ). In the contiguous United States, Canada and some airports in Mexico, most, but not all, airports have been assigned three-letter codes.
These are the same as their ICAO code, but without the leading K, C, or M.; e.g., YEG and CYEG both refer to,; IAD and KIAD are used for,. These codes are not to be confused with radio or television, even though both countries use four-letter call signs starting with those letters. However, because Alaska, Hawaii, and United States territories have their own 2-letter ICAO prefix, the situation there is similar to other smaller countries and the ICAO code of their airports is typically different from its corresponding 3-letter FAA/IATA identifier. For example, (PHTO vs ITO) and (PAJN vs JNU). ZZZZ is a special code which is used when no ICAO code exists for the airport and is normally used in. A list of airports, sorted by ICAO code, is available below.
Pseudo ICAO-codes In small countries like Belgium or the Netherlands, almost all aerodromes have an ICAO code. For bigger countries like the UK or Germany this is not feasible, given the limited number of letter codes.
Some countries have addressed this issue by introducing a scheme of sub-ICAO aerodrome codes; France, for example, assigns pseudo-ICAO codes in the style LFddnn, where dd indicates the while nn is a sequential counter. In the case of France, an amateur organisation, the, was formally named the keeper of these codes.