Skipper And Skeeto
Ivanoff Interactive / GSP 1996 Under cover of a crackling storm the wicked witch swoops in through the window and snatches the good fairy's magic wand. The good fairy groans in despair because without her wand she is grounded. She rushes to her wishing well and immediately asks Skipper and Skeeto to get it back. She tells them that the wicked witch has hidden it somewhere in Paradise Park and that if Skipper and Skeeto seek out all the animals that live in the park and help them to find their lost items, then they in turn will help to prise the wand from the clutches of the wicked witch. So begins this sweet little play and learn adventure with Skipper the Mole and Skeeto the mosquitoJ.
Skipper& Skeeto/Thomas is a parody with Skipper& Skeeto footages and Thomas and Friends sounds. Download Skipper & Skeeto 1: In Pretpark • Windows Games @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource. Skipper& Skeeto is a cartoon made by Olav Ivanoff. The cartoon is about a mole and a mosquito.
Essentially the game play involves one big treasure hunt. Hunt down the park residents, find out what they have lost, and then hunt down the relevant items to keep them happy. And it's a hunt that's all good fun in this brightly coloured land consisting of 48 locations and a host of creatures to interact with. Rubin the Rabbit has lost his trousers, Bessie Bee needs a pail for her honey, Murray the Monkey wants some music, and there's sure to be something useful in the tree house if the five missing rungs of the ladder can be found.
Skipper And Skeeto
In order to earn more magic points and get some handy help, the player can take a book from the shelf and play a game. Sylvia day. There are around 10 different games, not all of the same merit, but mostly very good. As well as a memory game there are games that teach telling the time on an old fashioned analogue clock, number and letter recognition, spelling and arithmetic. The English release was in 2000.
THIS IS A DUTCH GAME. De boze heks heeft het toverstafje van de goede fee gestolen. En JIJ moet het samen met Skipper en Skeeto zien terug te vinden! In Pretpark lopen heel wat leuke, maar ook minder leuke personages rond. Als je erin slaagt iedereen zijn spullen terug te bezorgen, dan kun je met de hulp van de familie Merel, Joop de Uil, de Kabouters.
En natuurlijk van Skipper en Skeeto een list verzinnen om de waakhond van de boze heks weg te jagen, en zo het toverstafje van de goede fee terug te krijgen.