Soal Soal Bahasa Inggris Lia
Soal Latihan Test Toefl, merupakan sebuah test yang saat ini dicari oleh banyak pihak utamanya bagi mereka yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris dengan.
I’m fine, too D. You are welcome. For number 3 I’d like to introduce myself. My full name is Fatimah Az-zahra. I am a student of SMPN 13 Bandar lampung.
I like all lessons except Sport. 3.Is Ara like Sport lesson? A.Yes, she is. Yes, she are. No, she is not. No, she are not.
For number 4 I have friend. His name is Aliando Syarif.
Call him Ando. He was born in 1997. 4.What is the boy’s nickname? Aliando Syarif B. Aliando For numbers 5-6 Aldo: (5) Rani: My name is Rani.
Aldo: (6) Rani: R-A-N-I 5. What’s my name? What’s his name?
What’s your name? What’s her name? How do you spell it?
Reply, please! What is your name?
Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: Google Play: Amazon: More from Santana Into The Night ft.
Two days after Monday is A. Two month before November is A. January For number 9 Tomorrow is (9.
) Yesterday is Saturday. Wednesday 10. Ani: Good morning Bintang. Bintang:., Ani. Good morning. Good evening B. Good afternoon.
Lisa: How do you do? How do you do?
Three times three is. Zero For number 13 To: Renita Happy birthday, Wish you all the best. Arika. who is the sender? Happy birtday B. Greeting card 14.
Santi and Dina best friend. Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman? Olaf:.of course. I don’t care 17.
The appropriate degrees comparison is A. Lazy B.Laziest C.
The laziest 18. Than The appropriate degrees comparison is A. Smarter D.The smartest 19. Tukul arwana is the The appropriate degrees comparison is A. Most handsome C. More handsome D.
Handsomer 20. It is animal. It looks like a cat but very big and wild. It has black and yellow stripes.
It eats meat. It is animal. It has a horn on its nose and thick-skin. It legs are short but strong. Hippopotamus C. Rhinoceros D. It has four legs but front legs are short.
It can hop very fast. Frog For number 23-29 Bimbim is my rabbit. Bimbim is nice pet. This rabbit is very playful. Its fur is white and soft.
It has a short tail. Its eyes are round. It looks beautiful. Sometimes it is my best friend. What type of text above?
Report text B. Descriptive text C. Narrative text D. Report text 24.
What is the generic structure of this text? Identification – description B. General classification – description C. Orientation – events – reorientation D. Orientation – complication – resolution 25. What is the purpose of this text? To describe about rabbit.
To entertain the readers about rabbit. To retell events for purpose of entertaining D. To report about rabbit. What is the text about? My Pet, Bimbim C. What color its fur?
Colorfull 28. Wild animal B.
Soal-soal Bahasa Inggris
The writer D. Bimbim tail is A. Ali: Do you think Lampung is beautiful city?
Lia: Of course. Ali: Are you sure?
Lia: No doubt about it! The underlined sentence above is the expression of. Asking for Certainty B. Giving Certainty C. Asking opinion D. Giving opinion For number 31-34 Dear Randi Hi, I want to tell you something. Tomorrow I will go to Bandung.
I hope you can join with me. Meet me after Dzuhur in my house. Thanks for it.
Lusi 31.Who is the sender of the message above? Bandung 32.Who is the receiver of the message above? Bandung 33.What is the text about? Lusi asks Randi to go away B. Randi asks Lusi to go to his house C.
Soal Bahasa Inggris Time
Randi ask Lusi to join to go to Bandung D. Lusi asks Randi to join to go to Bandung 34.What type of the text above?
Advertisement B. Announcement C. It is animal.
It has either one or two humps on its back. It used in desert countries for riding and carrying goods. Rhinoceros C. Hippopotamus D. Elephant For number 36-42 Komodo Dragons Komodo Dragons are the largest lizard in the world. They lizard just on fed small island in Indonesia.
Komodo dragons can be 3 m long. That’s very long, as long as car. Komodo dragons are very greedy. They eats almost anything, but their favorite food is wild pigs and deer. They can chase as small animal, such as monkey in one gulp. Adult komodo dragons hide in long grass, then jump out on their prey. They grab their prey in their strong jaw.
They can also swallow their prey. Adult dragon can move faster than a human can run. Young komodo dragons are good climbers. They climb trees to catch and eat small lizard and birds. 36.What does the text tell us about? Komodo Dragon C. Komodo Butterfly B.
Young Komodo 37. What type of the text above? Descriptive text C.
Narrative Text B. Report text D. Spoof Text 38. What is the purpose of the text? To describe the way things are about Komodo Dragon B.
To tell about how to make Komodo C. To entertain the readers. To retell a story about Komodo 39. What is the generic structure of this text? Identification – description B.
General classification – description C. Orientation – events – reorientation D. Orientation – complication – resolution 40. The text above mostly uses A. Simple present tense C.
Future tense B. Simple past tense D. Continuous tense 41. That’s very long, as long as car. ( First Paragraph) The antonym of underlined word is A.
Adult dragon can move faster. ( Third Paragraph) The synonym of underlined word is A.
Soal Bahasa Inggris Label
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